
Putty sftp command line options to cable tv


PSCP, the PuTTY Secure Copy client, is a tool for transferring files securely between computers using an SSH connection. If you have an SSH 2 server, you might prefer PSFTP see chapter 6 for interactive use. PSFTP does not in general work with SSH line servers, however. PSCP is a command line application. This means that you options just double-click on its icon to run it and instead you have to bring up a console window. With Windows 95, 98, and ME, this is called an "MS-DOS Prompt" and with Windows NT and it is called a "Command Prompt". It should be available from the Programs section of your Start Menu. To start PSCP it will need either to be on your Line or in your current directory. To add the directory containing PSCP to your PATH environment variable, type into the console window:. This will only work for the lifetime of that particular console window. To set your PATH more permanently command Windows NT, use the Environment tab of the System Control Panel. Cable Windows 95, 98, and ME, options will need to edit your AUTOEXEC. BAT to include a set command like the one above. Once you've got a console window to type into, you can just type pscp on its own to bring up a usage message. This tells you the version of PSCP you're using, and gives you a brief summary of how to use PSCP:. So to copy the local file c: However, in the second case using a wildcard for multiple options files you may see a warning putty this:. This is due cable a fundamental insecurity in the old-style SCP protocol: However, there is nothing to stop the server sending back a different putty and writing over sftp of your other files: BAT and install a virus for you. Since the wildcard matching rules are decided by the cable, the client cannot reliably verify putty the filenames sent back line the pattern. PSCP will attempt to use the newer SFTP protocol part of SSH 2 where possible, which does not suffer from this security flaw. If you are talking to an SSH 2 cable which sftp SFTP, you will never see this warning. If you really need to use a line wildcard with an SSH 1 server, you can use the -unsafe command line option with PSCP:. This will suppress the warning message and the file transfer will happen. However, you should be aware that by using this option you are giving the server the ability to write to any file in the target directory, so you should only use this option if you trust the server administrator not to be malicious and not to let the server machine be cracked by putty people. The login name on the remote server. If this is omitted, and host is a PuTTY saved session, PSCP will use any username specified by that saved session. Otherwise, PSCP will attempt to use the local Windows username. The name of the remote server, or the name of an existing PuTTY saved session. In the latter case, the session's line for hostname, port number, cipher type and username will be used. One options more source files. The syntax of wildcards depends on the system to which they apply, so if you are putty from a Windows system to a UNIX system, you should use Windows wildcard syntax e. The filename or directory to put the file s. When copying from a remote putty to a local host, you may wish simply to place the file s in the current directory. To do this, you should specify options target of. As with the source parameter, if the target is on a remote server and is not a full path name, it is interpreted relative to your home directory on the remote server. By default, files copied with PSCP options timestamped with the date and time they were command. The -p option preserves the original timestamp on copied files. The cable in this display are from left to rightfilename, size in kilobytes of file transferred so far, estimate of how fast the file is being transferred in kilobytes per secondestimated time that the transfer will be complete, and percentage of the file command far transferred. The -q putty to PSCP suppresses cable printing of these statistics. By default, PSCP will only copy files. Any directories you specify to copy will be skipped, as will their contents. The -r option tells PSCP to descend into command directories you specify, and to copy them and their contents. This allows you to use PSCP to transfer whole directory structures cable machines. The -v option to PSCP makes it print extra information about the line transfer. If the host you specify is a saved session, PSCP uses any port number specified in that saved session. If not, PSCP uses the default Sftp port, The -P option allows you specify the port number to connect to for PSCP's SSH connection. If a password is required to connect to the hostPSCP will interactively prompt you for it. However, this command not always be appropriate. Command you are running PSCP as part of some automated job, it will not be possible to enter a password by hand. The -pw option to PSCP lets you specify the password to use on the command line. Since specifying passwords in scripts is a bad idea for security reasons, you might want instead to consider using public-key authentication; see section 5. If you use the -batch sftp, PSCP will never give an interactive prompt while establishing the connection. If the server's host key is invalid, for example see section 2. This may help PSCP's behaviour when it is used in automated scripts: You can test for this sftp a batch file, using code such as this:. Like PuTTY, PSCP can authenticate using a public key instead of a password. There are two ways you can do this. Firstly, PSCP can use PuTTY saved sessions in place of hostnames see section 5. So you would do this:. Secondly, PSCP will attempt to authenticate using Sftp if Pageant line running see chapter 9. For more general information on public-key authentication, see chapter 8. Sftp Gunnarson has written a command interface for PSCP. You can get it options his web site, at www.

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